

The SPU 教育学院 has a long-held reputation as one of the premier teacher education programs in the state and in the region. 赌博十大靠谱软件将帮助您整合学术培训,为您的职业生涯做好准备, 基督教信仰, 以及作为教育工作者的专业实践. 你将受益于优秀的教师, 在西雅图多样化的城市环境中寻找机会, 以及赌博十大靠谱软件对培养毕业生的能力和品格的承诺.


One of the distinctives of 西雅图 Pacific's undergraduate teacher education program is its academic rigor. 另一个, is that you can complete a bachelor's degree and the teacher certification process in four years.

你是否想要获得学前教育的认证, 小学, 二次, 幼稚园至中学, 或者特殊教育, you will complete the requirements for the Residency Teacher Certification in the 教育学院 while completing a bachelor's degree at SPU. 你选择的学术专业将与你的教学背书相匹配.

Earning a Residency Teacher Certificate at SPU identifies you as someone of significant academic achievement.


The professional program leading to a Residency Teacher Certificate at 西雅图 Pacific consists of four stages of study:

  • 教育基金会
  • 支持内容
  • 方法
  • 专业年

每一个阶段都建立在前一个阶段的基础上, 支持教师培训的发展性方法.


You will gain a broad base of knowledge in the first stage of the 实习教师认证计划. 教育基础课程, 你将被介绍教学的理论和背景, and you will observe this theory being applied by completing field experience in some of your first courses in the program.

作为一名教师候选人, you will also be required to reflect on the application of educational theory through discussion and writing. 在教育基础阶段,你会遇到 认证办公室 to plan your certification program and discuss the application process to the 实习教师认证计划.


Your academic major will prepare you with the required content for your endorsement area. You may choose to pursue Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement in elementary education, 幼儿教育, 次要内容区域, 音乐, 艺术, 剧院, 或者特殊教育. 获取与认可领域相关的学术专业的完整列表, 请联络发证处.


在方法阶段, you will begin to apply the content knowledge that you have gained for your intended endorsement by completing 方法 coursework and spending time in a school setting.  这提供了一个综合你的教育基础知识的机会, 主题, 方法, 课堂管理, 评估, 学生发展.  


在专业年, 学生将完成为期一年的实习, real-world 教学 experience and serves as a bridge between academic coursework and becoming a certified teacher.


SPU students who desire to become teachers major in a discipline that corresponds with an endorsement. 一旦你选定了专业, a faculty advisor in your major area will assist you in developing an academic plan of study to complete your major.


If you plan to pursue Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement in 小学教育 so you can teach at the 小学 level, 你必须选择基础教育作为你的专业. 学生可以选择独立的基础教育(K-8认证)专业, 或者他们可以选择以下双重背书途径之一:

  • 小学教育 & 特殊教育背书
  • 小学教育 & 阅读背书
  • 小学教育 & 英语学习者背书

Students in these majors must also successfully complete all Residency Teacher Certification requirements.


If you plan to pursue Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement that will allow you to teach at the middle and high school levels, 你应该在你想要的背书领域选择一个专业. SPU提供以下二级认可:生物学, 化学, 英语语言艺术, 历史及社会研究, 数学, 和物理. 你需要与。密切合作 认证官 确保你符合所有的背书要求. 和其他教师候选人一样, students in 二次 endorsement majors are also required to successfully complete all Residency Teacher Certification requirements.


Certification in a P–12 endorsement area allows a teacher to teach all grades from pre-kinderg艺术en to grade 12 in that specific endorsement area. Endorsements available to undergraduate SPU students are Visual Arts and 特殊教育. 和其他教师候选人一样, students in P-12 majors are also required to successfully complete all Residency Teacher Certification requirements. 


To gain certification with a P–12 endorsement in 特殊教育, you will major in 特殊教育. 和其他教师候选人一样, 特殊教育 majors are also required to successfully complete all Residency Teacher Certification requirements.


To gain certification with a P–3 endorsement in 幼儿教育, you will major in 幼儿教育. 和其他教师候选人一样, 幼儿教育 majors are also required to successfully complete all Residency Teacher Certification requirements.


The 教学实习 is the highlight of the 实习教师认证计划 at SPU, 它的最后阶段. This is an opportunity for you to put into action the skills you've learned in class and field work. 这是磨练技能的时候, 完善你的课堂管理理念, and demonstrating subject-matter knowledge necessary to successfully teach the Washington State Learning Standards.

实习采用合作教学模式, 你将在哪里与导师老师合作,为学生提供指导. 你将被分配给一位经验丰富的导师, 你将与谁在计划中协同工作, 教学, 评估你的学生. 有具体的合作教学策略,将学习和实践, including an opportunity to "solo" and assume complete responsibility for the instructional program for a period of time.


There are tests that you will be required to take during the 实习教师认证计划.

首先,你必须通过提供考试成绩来证明你对基本技能的熟练程度 华盛顿教育工作者技能测验-基础(WEST-B) 考试或 行为 考试. Candidates not achieving passing score in one or more basic skill areas may use the petition process in their application process.

第二,你必须完成 华盛顿教育工作者技能测试-背书(西-东) 或国家评估系列测试(NES)在您的预期背书区域(s). WEST-E或NES考试必须在专业学年开始前通过.


When you have successfully completed the requirements of SPU's 实习教师认证计划 and the requirements for a bachelor's degree, the 教育学院 will recommend you to the state of Washington for Residency Teacher Certification. 尽管西雅图太平洋公司向州政府提出了建议, 由华盛顿州颁发证书, 而不是SPU教育学院.

作为一名教师候选人, 您必须符合华盛顿州对住院教师证书的要求. These requirements may be changed by the state and override anything stated here or in the SPU本科生目录. 你可以在教育学院办公室找到有关州要求的最新信息.

实习教师证书是您的初始证书. 检查 公共教育监督办公室 有关证书续订和第二级要求的最新信息.

好的赌博软件推荐 a wide variety of clock hour and credit options for teachers pursuing professional development or the renewal of a 教学 certificate. As the largest provider of continuing education credits for teachers in Washington State, The 职业教育中心 offers courses that will equip you to make a positive impact in your school or district – and in the lives of your students!



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